Tuesday, March 28, 2006


What i get from the project

Now the project is on phase design document. From we start this project until now,i get the experiences like :
_how to devellope a softwar from distance
_practique the devellope de softwar by use waterfall
_know how to devellope the requirement docs and design docs
_have new friends, know the lifestyle of other country and know alittle about their culture too
_how to exprime our needs to other people
_know the rols of work, respent the deadline

but it has the difficult for me too like:
_a little difficult to explaine them what we need exactely
_a bout the time for the communication
_in classe we can only chatting, problème of the speed
_when we left school it's night to go home
_we can't all people when we have the chat

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Travail this week

This week I have answer the mail for :
-exemple of the adresse of the student
-the photo of ITC
-the fonction of the IT staff
-the probleme with the code ISBN

We meet all of us in the conference on 16/03/06
-about the next works
-the web page
-testing the softwar
US student will send the softwar to testing two or three days after
Cambodians student have meeting with Mr.long chrea this week but i'm not sur for the day.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Meeting with Mr.longchrea

Today my team library management had met with Mr.longchrea and we had talk about:
-Where we are on now for the project? And we had told him that now we wait for the final document that the US students will sent to use tomorrow.And he asked all of us, did we do the survey and join the blog? If we don’t jet do it.
-What the problems we met? We had tell him all the problem we met like: wiki,blogger, track change on word document and the meeting time.
-The propos we need

We will meet him every wednesday afternoon to talk about the process of the project.

Sunday, February 12, 2006




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